
Welcome to my life. Lola and I are happy to share with you. Sometimes we're silly, sometimes we're sappy. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My Trip

For those of you who don't give a rat's ass, please skip over this post. I'm going to relive my trip and smile while doing it!

Saturday...I was supposed to fly on United, but there was a mechanical problem with the plane and since I was going to miss my connection in DC, the kind United people booked me on a direct flight on USAir. Not too shabby...I did have to hang in the airport for a few extra hours, but I was only 30 minutes later getting to Pittsburgh. All in all, not too bad.
My dad picked me up and we drove to his and my stepmom's house and ordered my favorite pizza for dinner...DiCarlo's. Anyone from the Ohio Valley knows that DiCarlo's is the best. :) Then my sister and nephew came over for a little while. My nephew, Cameron, is 5 tomorrow and is so funny. He sat on the couch with me and we looked through the JCPenney Christmas book and he picked out things and asked Aunt Mel to get them for Christmas for him.

Sunday...My godson Logan's birthday party. It was at the Oglebay Good Zoo which really shouldn't call itself a zoo, but it's not too bad. It was a MUCH smaller party than last year which was nice. Logan is too cute. He's 2 and a ball of fire. The people at the zoo brought out animals for the kids to pet. I think that if the kids had been a little older, the party would have been better...2 year olds have NO attention span! :) The best part were the kangaroos we got to pet...they really liked me. I was talking and petting them and they were hugging my arm. I drove back home and watched the Steelers lose and then the Colts win.

Monday...Went to lunch with the parents. We spent the day hanging out and then we went to dinner at DeeJay's which has the best ribs on the planet. It was me, Dad, Theresa, Gram, Pap, Lori, Allen, Cameron, Janel, Jane and Logan. My cousin Sean was supposed to come, but he didn't show...

I had a great time. It was relaxing and just nice. On my drive home from Oglebay, I stopped at my college and went to the cemetary and visisted with my Aunt Becky and Uncle Leland. Yes, I said cemetary. They're dead, but I visit every time I'm home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I visit my grandparents when I go home Mel ... and they too are in the cemetary ...

I always honk too. On my way into town, i honk twice, and say HI gramma & grampa ... and then when I leave I do the say thing ... uh, but I only say Bye ...

nevermind ...