
Welcome to my life. Lola and I are happy to share with you. Sometimes we're silly, sometimes we're sappy. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

An Open Letter

If any of you nosy rosies from the JD message board stumble upon this blog, you are in for a treat.
You have totally and utterly, along with your admin, ruined a good thing. JD is a public figure who deserves a website that is professionally run. It's an embarrassment. You are all embarassments.

You have taken it upon yourselves to protect the decency of a man who needs no protection and walks his own fine line with decency. The night before his wife gave birth, he was at a wrestling match and posing with a half naked woman. We've learned to accept him as he is, flaws and all. Y'all have him up on a pedestal and he doesn't want to be there.

And y'all have a problem with a woman's blog where she was sharing her thoughts and feelings! How sad. All JTT was trying to do was get over JD in her own time and in her own way. It was no one's business. Certainly not yours.

Y'all weren't there at the beginning and you'll certainly be the reason for the end.

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