
Welcome to my life. Lola and I are happy to share with you. Sometimes we're silly, sometimes we're sappy. Enjoy!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Empty House

Lola and I have the house to ourselves for the next few weeks. The dh is in Florida for work. There are times when I get excited thinking, woohoo, I can do what I want, watch what I want at the volume I want, etc. But I miss him. The big lug, I miss him.
Lola and I are going home to Myrtle Beach this weekend so at least we won't be lonely then. I'm going to have to go to Barnes and Noble to get some great reading material for the next few weeks. Lola and I are taking walks at night and we'll start going in the mornings too. I think that will help her with her loneliness at being in the house all day by herself.

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